Report on other Urban Vulnerability Observatories and their link with urban neighbourhood regeneration policies in Europe and Spain

This work is the result of the Agreement made between the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and the Juan De Herrera Institute of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), for the incorporation into the “Urban Vulnerability Observatory” from a “Report on other Urban Vulnerability Observatories and their link with urban neighbourhood regeneration policies in Europe and Spain”.

The work is structured in 3 volumes:

  • Volume I. General Report. This volume describes the general objectives of the study, methodology, execution of the work phases, results, conclusions, and bibliographical references.
  • Volume II: Inventory of tools on vulnerability and/or urban poverty in Europe and Spain.. This volume includes the methodology used for the compilation and inventory of the tools analysed with a total of 33 study sheets (18 European tools and 15 Spanish tools).
  • Volume III: Analysis of Case Studies. This volume contains a detailed analysis of Case Studies (5 European and 5 Spanish), including the historical, political, and temporal context of the tool, a detailed description of its objectives, content, methodology and agents and the relationship of the indicators used with the dimensions and categories of vulnerability defined for this work. International case studies include the Observatoire National de la Politique de la Ville (ONPV) in France, the English Indices of Deprivation in England, Sicurezza e Stato di Degrado delle Città e delle Loro Periferia in Italy, Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung in Berlin, Germany, and the BIP/ZIP Bairros e Zonas de Intervenção Prioritária Programme in Lisbon, Portugal. The 5 Spanish examples include three tools at the autonomous community level (Andalusia, Castilla y León and Comunitat Valenciana) and two at the municipal level (Madrid and Barcelona).