Report on the plans and programmes associated with the Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (EDUSI) and their link with urban vulnerability in Spain within the framework of the new urban challenges (2021)

This report, developed within the framework of the collaboration agreement between MITMA and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, analyses the plans and programmes in neighbourhood regeneration in Spain, associated with the EDUSI in the time frame that elapses between the approval of the Declaration of Toledo of 2010 and the year 2020. This is the date on which, because of the beginning of the implementation of the Local Action Plans of the Spanish Urban Agenda, it can be considered that there is a new methodology aligned with the objectives of the Union Europe and the 2030 Agenda. In the aforementioned analysis, special attention is paid to the link, where appropriate, of said plans and programmes with vulnerable neighbourhoods, their continuity with previous and future regeneration policies, emphasizing the Spanish Urban Agenda and, in a complementary way, whether the content of these strategies has made it possible to accommodate the demands evidenced by the COVID19 pandemic.

To facilitate its consultation, the Report consists of 4 volumes: