País Vasco

The Euskadi Urban Agenda - Bultzatu 2050 was approved by the Basque Governing Council on 17 November 2019 and was presented weeks later at the Euskal Hiria Congress that same year.

Among the main objectives of the Urban Agenda of the Basque Country, the promotion of sustainable urban development, with efficient planning and management of resources, and citizen participation in decision-making processes stand out. Coordination between the different levels of government and public-private collaboration are also key elements. In addition, the Urban Agenda of the Basque Country considers the 2030 Agenda and seeks to address urban development as a challenge through innovative strategies and the adoption of good practices in urban planning and management.

Given its importance for the development of the Urban Agenda, the Basque Country Planning Guidelines (DOT) definitively approved in July 2019, establish, together with the Basque Country 2030 Agenda, the first layer of the Agenda establishing the planning of the territory as fundamental element for its formation.